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General Magic
Doug S Warren H Norman A Jay L (Jaima) Jim W got to California with a $4k budget for misc moving expenses. I rented a car at the airport and checked in to the motel 6 on the north side of Matilha in Sunnyvale, very close to the office at 420 North Mary Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA. I showed up at GMGC 26 June 1995, before they expected me to start. I used time to call tons of apartments and hunt down this nice place a couple miles from the office: 1032 West Remington Drive, #7-12 It would be a couple weeks before I could move in, but I realized the the Motel 6 across the street from my Motel 6 was cheaper so I first moved there. I was hanging out with my friend Jason W who, while interning at HP Labs, was staying with his brother John W and his wife Vandita who had a house on San Lucas Ave in Mountain View, so I ended up crashing their for a couple weeks until I could move into my place. We had a great time renting movies and hanging out together at his brothers house until he went back to MIT in the fall. I remember he came with my looking at cars one time and I test drove a used porsche they had at the Dodge dealship in Sunnyvale. I didn't think about the fact that it was stick until I got in to drive, fortunately I didn't have any problems. My only previous experience had been with the rental car in London. I ended up getting my very own green 1993 Dodge Dynasty from Capitol Dodge with keyless entry baby later dubbed the pimp-mobile co-workers. Soon after I was able to move in my apartment. It was just in time for Jen and Marisa to come to town for Katy O's wedding. My mom had advised me to go the the Moffette and use my ID card to get some loaner futons and other housewares until the movers could deliver my stuff from Boston. I got the keys to the apartment on 7 July 2008 and I went and got three single futons and setup the girls to sleep in the living room and mine in my bedroom. Marisa's boyfriend Brian hadn't arrived yet to start working at Oracle with Arthur G. We all headed up to berkeley for Katy O's wedding on 8 July 1995. one problem with my apartment location was that it was too close to battery often died because not enought distance to recharge it between home and work. same thing later happened to Jason W when he worked at Intel (and we lived nearby in Santa Clara) and I had to give his Miata jump starts on a couple of occasions. playing original Sony PlayStation & Ridge Racer late night with Jim W 17 July 1995 - JPL open house - Cassini August 1995 Beauty and the Beast at Shubert Theatre in LA labor day weekend with Jennifer stayed at Cypress Tree Inn 2 September 1995 Monterey Aquarium 17 mile drive Sushi restuarant in Carmel 15 September offer from John E at OMKT, passed instead accept GMGC offer 15 Sept 1995 to switch from Telescript to MagicCap to work with Justin B, Mark F 27 September offer from John G at Netscape, the group doing Java (and LiveScript, err I mean, JavaScript as well...) also interviewed at Artemis Research (aka WebTV) where Jim W and Ed H ended up 8 December 1995 General Magic Holiday Party with Jennifer San Jose Athletic Club December (june +6) Elaine H as roommate 1674 Hollenbeck Apt 10 Justin B Mark F Dennis T Ed H Steve S ISDN to GMGC, same CO so no ISP needed! Darin A Andy H 5 April 1995 - second offer from OMKT 9 April 1995 - accepted offer from OMKT 10 April 1995 - started at OMKT leaving GMGC for OMKT after all 20 January 1996 1 year dating anniversary Disneyland Hotel Feb 1996 free timeshare trip to daytona and orlando with short 3 day cruise to the bahamas from cape canaveral "1900 Park Fare" character breakfast at Grand FloridianFrom [email protected] Fri Oct 13 13:50 EDT 1995 Return-Path:posed picture was on 11 Feb 1996Date: Fri, 13 Oct 95 10:48:51 PDT From: [email protected] (Jennifer Tschudy) Apparently-To: [email protected] Hi hon okay here is the requested vacation schedule (had to work around cruise times and dates) Daytona : Wednesday feb 7, Thurs feb 8 drive 4hours to west palm beach : Friday feb 9 Boat leaves palm beach 9:am (need to be on it by 8:30) saturday feb 10.... arrive bahamasa 2:30 pm bahamas (i forget what island right now) : sat feb 10, sunday feb 11 boat leaves bahamas 6or 7pm , arrives palm beach midnight monday palm beach : monday feb 12 drive 2 hours to orlando Orlando: tuesday beb 13, weds feb 14, thursday feb 15 fly away to boston on friday the 16th figured can fly into daytona and out of orlando both have major airports :) luv ya, Jennifer oh btw at the times of reservations had to pay $90( $45 a night for the before and after nights stay in palm beach) amd 198 for the port fees for the both of us ($99 per person) just so you know
engagement picnic in redwoods with elaine H et al moss beach, 13 April 1996 The Proposal
OM Express product Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows NT! Win32s oh my! backend with Visual C++ 1.52 (but we only used C) and Visual Basic (9 floppies!) for the UI 1.0 release, mostly did bug fixing, removed memory leaks (thanks to SmartHeap's debug Agent version) 1.1 release rewrote relative URL resolution to be RFC compliant Time Warner's Pathfinder reviewer using MSN, dialer didn't work because of long connectoid name Open Market OMKT IPO 22 May 1996 Saturday, 22 June 1996 Hunchback of Notre Dame Summer Spectacular, only at Pacific's El Capitan Theater Summer 1996 Tour of Digital Internet Exchange by Brian Reid, sister of friend and coworker Lucille Glassman, the day before the bank level security went online. This was one of the first, if not the first, co-location facility. I also saw the AltaVista boxes and, more impressive to me,, upstairs at DEC WRL. ISDN took forever to get it at OMKT ISDN access Hollenbeck started in May, around a month after I started, finally got in August before moving in September. had direct link to GMGC (shared CO) without PacBell Internet as ISP somehow when they pulled the wires they were given to someone else before I could open new account trying to figure out ISDN setup for office ordered around 10 May 1996 install 1 August 1996 5 August 1996 - Special Advance Toll Bill for 1-5 August: $266.21 19 August 1996 - Special Advance Toll Bill for 5-18 August: $621.27 19 September 1996 - regular bill showed that I stopped the madness around 1am on August 21st Cisco confused because same machine on two interfaces with too little time seperation (driving laptop from home to work or work to home...)
moved for Jen starting Masters of Education at Stanford (1996-1997) 2343 Running Water Court
Bob the dummy - here with Kelly B G, Stephanie K, and Mena T
Making an old paisley button down shirt of mine look good while at Ariba
From a Mena T Facebook photo.
first day of coding assigned PurchasOrder class talked to Angela Carstens, our accountant, to learn about POs, got some Peachtree Accounting ones as samples Norman's async RPC for Ariba based on PlaceWare Developer's Guide from Pavel default Ariba RPC port was 7733, which was picked because it was SPEEdy in the phone alphanumerics John E gave us Java sorting code approval engine Norman and I tried to get requirements from Paul Touw for some reason, probably because he was involved in talking to Cisco. Eventually just did something to meet Cisco's demo requirements originally very nasty recursive design scheme for approvals rules...allow quick changes and reeval of logic without server restart. had been working on interpretter on the side to learn Java even before starting Ariba. Norman was a Scheme head too but Paul signed off on it (open minded Stanford guy). had worked on non-sexp grammar but it never got done. later remember having to sit with Bobby and explain choice to customers. ouch. had to approvable documents initial basic workflow composing --submit-->submitted composing --submit-->submitted submitted --withdraw-->composing submitted --approvals->approved (later added submitting intermediate state so that notifications and inbox operations could be done async) allowed preview of rules result so people could see who would approve before submitting. very popular. submit ran approvalengine, sent notifications, put things in inboxes withdraw similar undid all of that pulled things out. email notifications, SMTP client. text and html generation for email and printing. SMTP server for receiving incoming CIF (Catalog Interchange Format) catalogs much later also used for email approvals by Dmitri Schoeman SMTPConsumer interface allowed catalog people to deal with actual parsing of this initially SGI file format. Guy did corresponding HTTPServer and HTTPConsumer mirroring SMTP work, later I coverted to Servlet API flusing out lots of extra functionality. submited doc could be edited but edit rules allow selective reapproval. Frank Dancs did work on this since "diff" was represented by our object change log format. requisitions in ->PO engine->POs out (original version in Scheme replaced by less general Java version by Vincent before 1.0) Elkin was all about adapters for loading data in from other databases as well as files. Did all the adapter configurations for pulling data from Oracle financials. Also did push adapters for the finished POs I worked with him to externalize adapter configuration to allow reloads (in Scheme...) I believe Elkin had done some basic infrastructure to run his adapter pulls on a schedule. I generalized this to the ScheduledTask infrastructure and did the TimeoutApprovables and EscalateApprovables tasks which would basically automatically withdraw requests that were not being acted upon (typically a month) as or move things to managers of approvers when they wer not being responsive (typically a week) . I got to do some fun logic such as skipping weekends and holidays, which of course required allowing companies to specifiy their holiday schedule. I remember setting the sample to holidays that were the same day every year such as new years, july 4th, christmas. Marc Brown worked on the Applet UI. I remember his big push to "Ruckerize" before the first big off-site Advisor Council that was at the Fairmont Hotel in San Hose. In previous on site AdCo, things had been a perfectly horrid selection of pastel colors. no matter what we said ahead of time about focusing on the functionality and not the form, there always was someone who would comment on the colors. Marc's makeover of Steve Roberson hired as IT around this time, I was pulling allnighter with Boris who was working on FieldConstraints leading up to the big AdCo. He showed up to work at like 6am but had no key yet, so it was lucky for him we were there. On think that didn't get done for that AdCo was Mac support. We tried and tried including an allnighter at the hotel itself. Mac Java was just too crappy. In the end we pulled the demo. in the end, we called Cisco's bluff and said we were not going to be able deliver on the Mac. Apparently the Macs they had were mainly used by execs and when we asked what they would do if the Macs died, they admitted they were being phased out for Windows boxes. What we did demo and that got the "oooh" effect we wanted was async approval graph update. basically one screen showed the submitter. the other showed the approver. when the approver approved, the submitter screen turned green instantly without so much as a refresh. this was not something enterprise customers were used to seeing. My friend Norman worked on the ORM layer including doing Java superclass code gen in Scheme from ".met" metadata files so that we didn't have boilerplate in our main Java files (similar code gen for RPC as well) . Frank took over, with some help on SQL Server by JB Alegani(sp?) who was with Ariba briefly but left. He also did a server "UI" for debugging (shutdown, restart setting logging options, RPC info, run and reload configuration ScheduledTasks and Adapters, reload approval rules, ...) What I remember most about JB was his Victorian house that had been selected for a "this old house" restoration project, but he bailed on that after he realized what a personal fiancial commitment it was going to be over and above what he really had planned for his remodel. Damodar? He had parted ways with Ariba between when I interviewed and when I started. He seemed to have found success elsewhere because he stopped by one time in a new Jaguar. Cisco gantt chart story trying to figure out what to do next after document stuff to help out to release had worked with Lucille to cut down 1000 page Bobby spec to 100-200 pages of something reasonable for GA. then worked items into Microsoft Project seemed like we were going to make it after all (Paul's planning was month-by-month themes for the team, which worked out all right after all) (err except possible being focused on features and not on While the engineers hacked, DeSantis and Magner were wrangling the customers. I recall them getting Cisco and AMD in a race to sign first. As I recall, Cisco won, and I recall the celebration where the $250,000 order was proudly displayed. Octel (later aquired by Lucent) and Visa were third and forth, even before we had a beta product. One customer we didn't win was Sun that decided to make-vs-buy. Given the problems we had with Sun Java performance, I wonder how they faired. :) The first couple of AdCo were truly excellent. We still only had half the space built out with cubes so they setup a big U of tables with the big projector at the end for presentations and demos. Spouses and other friends including engineers often filled out seats or stood around to make things seem more crowed. Touw pushed us to rename that beta to 1.0 CAP (Customer Acceptance Program) so that the real 1.0 release became 2.0 GA (General Availability). Of course I'm getting ahead of myself, because before we even shipped a beta I had to get married and go on my honeymoon!Keith's The Ariba Legacy- Built-to-Last
Keith Krach's original sketch of Ariba's architecture.
Drawn on a paper tablecloth in September 1996.
Note my signature on right side from his 40th birthday party.
From Keith.
first cell phone for Jennifer, Nokia 2160, just before our wedding. used to coordinate on the ground.
bachelor and bachelorette parties
rehersal dinner
I got married on 14 June 1997 to
Jennifer L. Tschudy
We spent the first night at the East Room of the Mainstay Bed & Breakfest in Louisville, Ohio. We had a gift opening on Sunday, 15 June 1997, at Jennifer's Uncle Fred and Aunt Rita's house. In addition to family, I remember several college friends being there such as Benjy T, Stephanie S, Marisa Z, and Becky M. Later in the day we went to a barbeque at Pam and Rob's old house. That night we stayed at the Mainstay B&B again.
On Monday, 16 June 1997, before heading out of town we returned gifts from our registry to the local store so we could repurchase them back in California and not have to pay to ship them. We used some of store credit to get some swimsuits for our honeymoon which we had forgotten to pack. From Canton we drove to Niagara Falls, we got there around dinner. We had to press on to Toronto where we stayed that night.
On Tuesday, 17 June 1997, we spent the day in Toronto visting the CN Tower and the awesome mall where we got some Roots gear, just like in high school. In the later afternoon we headed east up the lake shore and had dinner in Kingston. We spent the night at the Journey's End in Ottawa.
On Wednesday, 18 June 1997, we spent the day in Ottawa, not sure we did much more than see the Parliment. We drove up through Montreal but did not stop to see anything since we had been there in college for Marisa's 20th birthday. We spent the night at a Quality Suites on the outskirts of the city of Quebec.
On Thursday, 19 June 1997, we did a walking tour of Quebec starting near the famous Chateau Frontenac. We stayed at a Comfort Inn in Levis, just south of Quebec.
On Friday, 20 June 1997, we made a big drive from Quebec to Prince Edward Island (PEI). During some of the longer stretches such as this, Jennifer used the time to write thank you notes for wedding presents. I also remember getting a call from Guy H about some Ariba engineering issue as well around now, which we received using our new fangled cell phone. We took the new Confederation Bridge, which had just opened on 31 May 2007. We stayed just noth west of bridge crossing near Sunnyside Harbor. I remmeber it being a farm house near the road but with a few down to the water, it might have been the Serendipity Bed & Breakfast Inn. I think we went down to Summerside that night for some a quick bite, and I remember really discovering tartar sauce for the first time with some fish and chips that we ate out by the water.
On Saturday, 21 June 1997, we drove through western PEI. We stayed at the West Point Lighthouse. I think we went to play putt-putt somewhere on the west side of the island.
On Sunday, 22 June 1997, we entered the Anne of Green Gables portion of our honeymoon. Jennifer was a big fan of Lucy Maud Montgomery's Anne books, which is the primary reason I suggested and we decided to go to PEI for our honeymoon. We visited her birthplace in New London as well the Leaskdale manse where she wrote many of her novels. Unfortunately, we were not able to go to the Green Gables house because it was closed due to a fire on 23 May 1997. For the complete Anne experience, we stayed at Dalvay By The Sea that night, as featued in the the the Road to Avonlea TV Series based on the works of Lucy Maud Montgomery.
On Monday, 23 June 1997, we headed to Charlottetown, the provincial capital of Prince Edward Island. We went to the yearly Charlottetown Festival production of the Anne of Green Gables Musical when we stayed in Charlottetown. Looking back, all this trundling around after a dead author was perhaps foreshadowing of our later trip to England and Scotland.
On Tuesday, 24 June 1997, before leaving the "big city" of Charlottetown, we went to buy me a new tie, because I needed one for wedding we were headed to at the end of the trip in Boston. Having finishing our Anne pilgrimage, we headed around the east on the island. We attended a famous church lobster supper. We stayed at the Woodlands Country Inn. The B&B that had a snooker table, which we found much harder than the a usual pool table.
On Wednesday, 25 June 1997, we spent our final night on the island at The Orient Hotel, where we bought some tea from Mrs. Profitt's Tea Shop.
On Thursday, 26 June 1997, we took the bridge off the island. On the way back through New Brunswick, we stopped in Saint John. After seeing the reversing falls, and having some time on our hands, we decided to take the afternoon to see a movie. After getting directions to a theater, we were disappointed to find ourselves an old downtown movie theater that had like two movies perhaps one or at most two screens and nothing we wanted to see. We managed to get directions to what we thought was a more typical suburban movie theater only to find it to be one of those old concrete 4 screen multi-plexes in corner of a strip-mall parking lot. Worse than that, although some early afternoon kids movies were letting out, there were not going to be any other showings until that evening! It was at this point I commented that visiting Canada was sort of like a time machine, just one that took you backwards ten years. Front what I hear, visiting Japan is a corollary of this, only it is like going ten years into the future. Given our failed movie plans, we headed to our last B&B stop of the trip, the Pansy Patch, which we picked purely based on its name alone, due to Jennifer's love of all things pansy related thanks to Kappa Alpha Theta. Since we had plenty of time to kill, we went swimming across the street at the pool of the The Fairmont Algonquin, which was an amenity for Pansy Patch gusts back then.
On Friday, 27 June 1997, we drove down to Boston where we stayed at my parents house. On Saturday, 28 June 1997, two weeks after our wedding, we attened the wedding of our MIT Baker friends, Bridget B and Chris S, seeing many of several of our MIT friends again that we had just seen in Ohio. On Sunday, 29 June 1997, we flew from Boston's Logan airport back to northern California.
Unfortunately, we have no pictures from our honeymoon, only postcards, pins for Jennfier's collectio, etc. Our new Kodak camera was malfunctioned the whole trip. In componsation, Kodak offered us some blank film. Thanks, Kodak, I'll be sure to use that in my new non-Kodak camera.
Space Camp counselor supervisor operations directory aviation challenge astronaut's and the turtle drinking game
1140 Blair Avenue moved in Halloween 1997 Jen made sure we carved a pumpking and were ready for trick-or-treaters
move to Perforce from SourceSafe I did eval, noticed it was recommended by Ed H at WebTV :) Craig K's did awesome migration as first project found many bugs in SourceSafe :) 2.0 -> 3.0 customer migration the legend is that Lucille did the 4 or so customer upgrades herself rather than have to fully document the process ServerMonitor from server pop-up to Applet like client, refactoring in bringing in pcard reconciliation app.
7 April 1998 Ariba engineering Squaw Valley ski trip Charly K
polling in Java 11 July 1998 - investigating polling for Java Sun bug parade 4091423 VolanoMark I/O completion ports meeting with HP about adding Polling to their JVM decided to go with unix poll style API HP provided which was added to a release of SDK also includes the implementation of a non-blocking I/O Poll API for Java in the package. supports a general mechanism for reporting I/O conditions associated with a set of FileDescriptors and for waiting until one or more conditions becomes true. Specified conditions include the ability to read or write data without blocking, and error conditions. Use of dramatically reduces the number of threads required to support large numbers of clients in large server-side Java applications. APIs [...] HP also includes the implementation of a non-blocking I/O Poll API for Java in the package. supports a general mechanism for reporting I/O conditions associated with a set of FileDescriptors and for waiting until one or more conditions becomes true. Specified conditions include the ability to read or write data without blocking, and error conditions. Use of dramatically reduces the number of threads required to support large numbers of clients in large server-side Java applications. I/O Poll API (SDK 1.3 and 1.4, deprecated in 5.0) supports a general mechanism for reporting I/O conditions associated with a set of FileDescriptors and for waiting until one or more conditions becomes true. Specified conditions include the ability to read or write data without blocking, and error conditions. Use of dramatically reduces the number of threads required to support large numbers of clients in large server-side Java applicationsrewrote Ariba RPC server to use a thread poll polling Needed to use one extra socket to wake up polling thread when we needed to add new socket to watch. cleaned up all the client libraries to use ThreadGroups instead of globals we could actually have a working scalable multi-treaded tested. (original version by Brian Elkin, enhanced by Ran Zhang) further pushed HP ahead of Sun for our benchmarks
Marisa and Brian's Wedding Santa Monica from 12-16 August 1998 Steph and Simanta stayed with us before in Sunnyvale Steph rode down with Dave L Simanta rode with us in the Saturn excellent bachelor party planned by bride wedding Steph and Jen (et al) were in the wedding party so simanta and I were on our own table cameras Simanta and I took some pictures of ourselves at the local liquor store
Sunday after wedding, started roadtrip of southwest Sunday, 16 August 1998 Stayed at Circus Circus Sunday night in Las Vegas played the slots, made $20 Monday, 17 August 1998 hoover dam stayed in Grand Canyon Squire Best Western in Grand Canyon, Arizona Tuesday, 18 August 1998 visited south rim of Grand Canyon National Park stayed in Goulding's Lodge in Monument Valley, Utah Wednesday, 19 August 1998 dinner in Durango, Colorado saw cool steam train stayed Gicarilla Inn in Dulce, New Mexico Thursday, 20 August 1998 stayed in Best Western in Chambers, Arizona Friday, 21 August 1998 possible stayed with jens parents Saturday, 22 August 1998 picked up Clyde from Sarina stayed with jens parents, clyde locked in bathroom Sunday, 23 August 1998 drove home with clyde Four Courners Mesa Verde National Park Los Alamos (museum in town) Petrified Forest National Park back to LA
Clyde eating door frame, table and chari legs, drywall, trees
Dad's company acquired by ITT
04/23/99 Ariba S-1 Filing 23 April 1999 - 2 May 1999 Santa Fe trip Stephanie, Simanta, Susan, dml, ... - Friday 23rd drive to LA - Saturday 24th drop off Clyde with Tschudys, head east - Sunday 25th arrive Santa Fe Week activities - drive to Taos - visit to DH Lawrence gravesite (and snowball fight) - white water rafting on the Rio Grande Sunday May 2nd Jen back at work San Diego - Saturday, May 29, 1999 Natalya and Elmer's wedding L'Auberge Del Mar Resort in Del Mar, California - Sunday May 30, 1999 LEGOLAND California - Monday May 31, 1999 San Diego Wild Animal Park ARBA IPO 23 June 1999 (120-day lockup) 1.) house 2.) car 3.) vacation 1.) house 13045 Alta Tierra Road 2.) car "champagne gold" 2000 BMW 540i (replacing my Dodge Dynasty which went to my parents) 3.) trip to england, scotland, wales, ireland while in enland, submitted meng thesis proposal Jennifer and I did the y2k count down in Boston with Steph, Simanta, Joe D. et al. brief loss of TV signal at one point made us wonder what was up when in boston, saw Anne Hunter about 6 units John G, a friend of Brian Z from MIT was well prepared for y2k. He had stored water in huge blue barrels in his garage in San Jose. He had lots of food with a long shelf life as well. He stocked up on ammo for his guns. He also bought lots of propane. He had enough gasoline stockpiled to make it to his in-laws in the mid west in case he needed to live off the land or something. I only know all this because I had to help him move after Y2K and I helped empty the barrels and because he gave me the propane because he wasn't going to use it. Mitsubishi WS-73905 Troopy dies hit by car on route 2 late 1999? Bonnie adopted January 2001 from lab rescue when she was a few months old June 2000 MIT Class of 1995 5 year reunion europe trip 14 Aug 2000 arrived heathrow, england 25 Aug 2000 arrived rosslare, ireland 26?Aug 2000 K Foudy Wedding 30 Aug 2000 arrived US Lake District Glasgow Edinburough York train museum London The Art of Star Wars Barbican, London MEng 2.0 Summer 2000 MIT enrollment (while there for Class of 1995 5 year reunion) 4 June 2000 - 6.100 approved - "Scheme Shell Enhancements" 5 June 2000 - Anne Hunter approves my course schedule 6 June 2000 - Thesis Proposal approved (July 2000 juror summons responded with full time student, which I was!) 18 August 2000 - 2x FedEx: first to Olin at Georgia Tech, second to Simanta at iPhrase 19 August 2000 - faxing 6.100 grade report form to Olin S from Pelham Hotel in London 23 August 2000 - FedEx to Olin at SmartLeaf Fall 2000 enrollment 3 October 2000 at MIT (while doing fall MIT recruiting trip for Ariba) 3 October 2000 - Anne Hunter approves my course schedule 10 October 2000 - meng draft review by Lucille G December 2000 - meng draft review by Norman A 5 February 2001 - Steph S (with Simanta driving) collects MEng signature from Olin at SmartLeaf 6 February 2001 - Steph S goes to Cashier's office and takes care of MEng submission Thanksgiving - November 2000 - hunter green 2001 Toyota Sequoia (replacing her 1995 Saturn which went to Jen's sister Kristina) MIT recruiting for Ariba year 1 ? year 2 ? Saw Tom P recruiting as President of extotec as well as Jason T from Baker recruiting for Cyveillance. Jason was one of People magazine's 100 most eligible bachelors in 2000! how random is that?,,20131741,00.html memorable Ariba release work - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - RPC overhaul including code gen -> Java (later SSL support) - first refactor of client/core/server - layering rerefactor of util/rpc/base/current - platform vs buyer and the continued gutting - 7 ... Applet->HTML, Adapters->TIBCO, single server pessimistic locking to multi-server optistic locking, migration nightmare (but also AQL) - 8 app ready multiserver, CDS Bridge Learn to Play Bridge bridge/game night until too many people had kids JD reunion Thanksgiving 2001 Jen in LA for her reunion, pregnant with Michael Jennifer T, Kim K, Amy K, Peter E, David Y, Scott S, Doree G, Robert T, Eric S, Chris F, ... 2002 Olympic Games (8 February - 24 February) drove up in two stages stopped in Nevada first night second night in first house in Salt Lake Jen's family for first week or so, then we moved to smaller house) first big post-9/11 international event opening ceremonies, waving to the Brian and Sara E speed skating Derek Parra short track speed skating first trip back from mountain was bussing disaster, Mitt Romney fixing it himself city buses from all over the states from San Francisco MUNI to Cleveland RTA hockey with Bob T medal round curling running in to Todd Eldridge at skating show women's halfpipe? men's stunt skiing? getting skaing signatures in Park City being there both for the controversial pairs skating fiasco and for the awarding of the metal Donna C, house visit, lunch at cool places with divers, came with us to medals award event with 'N Sync (2/23/02) closing ceremonies 31 March 2002 the Saturday before we went on trip on Easter Sunday the sewer backed up didn't notice until that night had to get it fixed that night no matter what since we were leaving town Jen was pregnant so I insisted on cleanign it up all by myself, the basement bathroom floor, the rug outside, mop and bucket and steam cleaner plumber pulled cleanup plug in yard and it was a geyser flowing down the hill. plumber then tried to snake it out from outside but couldn't really figure out topology plumber was afraid that the pipes might be connect to neighbors house. our fear was coming come to their sewage filling our basement. don't remember where we went! (to ohio for baby shower?) ohio baby shower bob T and I skulking around the country club steering clear of the girls eventually dropped at the end baby prep lots of book - What to expect when you are expecting - Expectant Father - ... lots of classes - birthing classa at Los Altos branch of PAMF - breastfeeding class (ran into Joe T from Ariba) - child care class - car set inspection Michael 14 July 2002 (Bastille Day) (on his due date) walked around los altos art and wine festival on 13th which got contractions going sent home from Lucile Packard Children's Hospital a couple times on false starts about broken water gave us patient card to speed up return visits Jen G came over to watch Jen when I went to airport to get her mom watched Disney's Atlantis movie before returning around midnight admitted at midnight, induced before 1am took way too much stuff (stereo, CDs, books, tennis balls for massage, ...) epidural around ??? 4am? spent night there with Jen's mom, slept a bit on the couch woke up when water broke around 8am born at 8:32am went out to front call my parents and sister, saw Ariba woman coming in for scheduled c-section (missed Jonathan S's wedding to Brandy) David Y wedding a week or two after Michael was born Peter E, Scott S, crashed rehersal dinner Steph and Simanta moving to San Francisco helped carrying stuff up to apartment Brian and Marisa also there, but Marisa pregnant we had to go early for our baby class reunion Stanford Application General GREs September 2002 1000 words with Stephen S via IM taking many analytical exams until I could do them fast Verbal 690 (96%) / Quantitative 800 (92%) / Analytical 740 (88%) CompSci GRE December 2002 (earlier date canceled due to cheating) rereading a ton of undergraduate text books... 850 (92%) 21 February 2003 Stanford acceptance 14 March 2003 accepted Stanford CS PhD admission 14-15 March 2003 Stanford PhD admit weekend Fri TGIF Sat prof meetings (Dawson and Mendel) Dawson, Tom, Frans, MIT Mendel... the other Mar[ck] Brown from DEC SRC Fox... had a meeting, hijacked by another student drop in. i had a bad feeling about this met with Dawson a couple more times, played with mc java, joeq, another grad student warned be away from Fox because of tenure issues...another Mary Baker met Jeremy S, also returning to get graduate school after a successful startup 8 August 2003 end of dental insurance upper wisdow teeth removal, don't have lowers 2003-08-23 Lisa Wolk Wedding to Stu Stein parents came over to watch Michael Aunt Martha and Uncle Eddie came over to see all of us took Michael to New York State Fair 22 September 2003 first day of autumn quarter at Stanford
Previous: Chapter 4: Undergrad at MIT Next: Chapter 6: Stanford PhD