CS269 paper summaries
These summaries were authored by
Steve Gribble and
Armando Fox.
Communication: RPC, Mobile IP, Multicast
Synchronization: Clocks, Event Ordering, Snapshots
Naming: Identifiers, Directory Services, Resource Location
Distributed Database Type Things
- Alan Demers, Karin Petersen, Mike Spreitzer, Doug Terry, Marvin
Theimer, Brent Welch.
The Bayou Architecture: Support for Data Sharing Among Mobile
Users. AF
Security: Encryption, Privacy, Authentication, Access Control,
Electronic Commerce
- B. Lampson, M. Abadi, M. Burrows, and E. Wobber.
Authentication in distributed systems:
Theory and practice. Proceedings Thirteenth ACM
Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, October 1991.
- D. Brown, Techniques for privacy and
authentication in Personal Communication Systems. IEEE
Personal Communications, August 1995. SG
- M. Spreitzer and M. Theimer, Architectural
considerations for scalable, secure, mobile computing with location
information. Proceedings 14th International Conference on
Distributed Computing Systems, June 1994. AF
- M. Sirbu and J.D. Tygar, NetBill: An
internet commerce system optimized for network-delivered
services. IEEE Personal Communications, August 1995.
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