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A Probabilistic Approach to Distributed Clock Synchronization
Flavia Cristian
One-line summary:
Provable, low bounds on clock synchronization precisions are easily
obtained with a relatively simply protocol and trivial computation.
Overview/Main Points
- Fundamentals: The fundamental protocol is for a process P
to send a query message to process Q; process Q replies to P with a
message containing Q's clock time at the instant Q received P's
message. We assume hardware clocks have drift rate
, implying the measurement of a time
interval t'-t has an error of at most
(t-t'). Assume further that the
minimum message transmission delay between P and Q is min.
- Clock synch and max error: It is proven in the paper
that if P measures the round-trip time of the request/reply pair
as 2D, the value displayed by Q's clock when it sends
its reply is T, and the value displayed by Q's clock when P receives
this reply is
, then the best guess
by P for
with maximum error
- Obtaining a desired precision: The precision of the clock
estimate is limited by the measured round-trip time of the reply/request
pair. By timing out any requests that don't receive replies within
2U seconds, one can bound the imprecision of a given clock (at the
risk of requiring one to resend a clock resynchronization request) to
be e by by choosing a U of:
Because the minimum U one can pick is
(because of the minimum delivery latency plus clock drift),
the best precision achievable by this method is
- Maintaining a desired precision: Because the local clock
drifts, it must be resynchonized periodically to maintain a desired
precision. Because delivery latency is potentially unbounded,
one must set a reply/request timeout, which implies a resynchronization
request could fail. One can calculate the probability of N successive
request failures; given a current precision, and a specifiable probability
of success and a specifiable desired precision, one can calculate the
delay between the periodic resynchronization attempts.
- Detecting failures: Hard bounds on possible imprecisions
are provable with this scheme. If a calculated clock time falls outside
of those bounds, a clock failure (at the master or at the slave) has
occured. Because a master has a reliable clock source, the master can
detect if its own clock as failed, and since masters update themselves more
frequently than slaves, a slave can deduce its own clock has failed if
such an erroneous condition occurs two times in a row without the master
declaring itself invalid.
This paper rigorously shows the design and implementation of a
probabilistic clock synchronization protocol. Such a protocol is
extremely useful when building distributed systems, although the
list of assumptions given in this paper should be read very carefully.
Most of them are reasonable in a friendly environment...
- The only flaw of this paper is that the extremely rigorous presentation
belies the fact that if any of the assumptions are violated, then all
certainty flies out the window.
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