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Join Processing in Database Systems with Large Main Memories
Leonard D. Shapiro
Summary by: Steve Gribble and Armando Fox
One-line summary:
Four join algorithms are presented and analyzed (sort-merge, simple
hashing, GRACE hashing, hybrid hashing), and hybrid hashing is shown to
dominate the others in performance in most situations, assuming a large
enough memory (order of square root of smaller relation).
Overview/Main Points
- Four algorithms for "equijoin" are discussed:
sort-merge (traditional), simple hashing, GRACE algorithm, and
hybrid. Hybrid is shown to dominate all others, even if virtual
memory is used. Assumptions: block size is full disk track, two
relations used are R and S, memory is M, S is larger relation,
and sizeof of M >= sqrt(sizeof S).
- sort-merge:
- Scan S and produce output runs (using heap) - each run
will be 2M blocks long. Do same for R. Assume S is
larger relation - there will be at most sqrt(sizeof S)
runs of R and S total after this phase.
- Allocate one block of memory for each run of R and S,
merge runs of R and S concurrently, outputting tuples
of (R,S) if the pair matches.
- If M < sqrt(sizeof S), then more than two merge
phases will be needed, as won't be able to allocate one
block for each run of R and S.
- simple hashing:
- Choose a hash function h, and pick a set of hash values
such that sizeof(M) tuples will hash into that set.
Scan the smaller relation R, and if a tuple hashes into
this set, insert the tuple into a hash table in memory,
otherwise pass it over and write to disk.
- Scan the larger relation S, and if the tuple hashes
into the range, check the hash table of R in memory for
a match, and if found, output, else pass over tuple and
write it to disk.
- Repeat these steps, using tuples that were passed over
in the previous steps, until no passed over tuples are
- Choose hash function h and a partition of its hash
values such that R is partitioned into sqrt(sizeof(R))
subsets of approximately equal size. Allocate
sqrt(sizeof(R)) blocks of memory, each to be an output
buffer for a subset of the partition of R.
- Scan R; using h, hash each tuple and place it in the
appropriate output buffer. If output buffer fills,
write it to disk. Flush all buffers to disk when R is
completely scanned.
- Do similar scan for S.
- For each set Ri in the partitions (1 <=i<=
sqrt(R)), and the corresponding Si,
- read Ri into memory and build hash table for
it. (Will fit in memory as have assumed at
least sqrt(R) memory.)
- hash each tuple of Si, probe for match in
hash table. If match, output, otherwise
discard the tuple.
- Works because partitions both relations on the join
key, so if a tuple in R and a tuple in S match, they
are both sent to the same partition by the hash function.
- hybrid:
- Like GRACE, except we set aside some memory and build
the hash table for the 1st partition while the
relations are being scanned. This saves that partition
from being written to and read from disk and extra time.
- Hybrid dominates all others, as shown by an analytic proof of the
algorithms' costs, again assuming sizeof(M) at least sqrt(S) for
sort-merge or sqrt(R) for hash-based algorithms, and assuming
that the relations are large enough. Numerical simulations
confirm the analytic results.
- We assumed that partitioning could be done perfectly, but this
isn't necessarily so. If a partition overflows, the solution is
to repartition and write some passed over tuples to disk for a
later pass.
- M can be virtual memory and not physical memory. Need a
"hot-set" for each algorithm - a set of pages that are
locked down in physical memory - essentially the minimum working
set size that the algorithm needs to not thrash. Conclude that
if page-aging (technique that replaces LRU page replacement
policy, instead throwing out MRU) is possible, the sort-merge is
unaffected by virtual memory, but performance of hybrid degrades
to performance of GRACE. GRACE dominates sort-merge in virtual
memory, so hybrid still dominates sort-merge as well.
- Bit-filters can be used to speed up join (see Graefe paper).
Also, semi-join can be used: construct projection of R on
joining attribute - p(R). Join p(R) to S - result is semijoin.
Then join this semijoin to R, and the result is equal to the join
of R and S.
Convincingly argues for the use of hash-based join processing in database
systems. Considering that physical memory is even more in abundance than
when this paper was written, the arguments have probably gotten stronger
over time, although I wonder how much data set size (measured in number of
tuples) has grown relative to physical memory size growth.
- The simulations performed in the paper were simulations of the
analytical formulae derived for the algorithms' performance, and
not simulations or measurements of implementations of the
algorithms. This means any error or bogus assumption in the
derivation of their analytic results would make the simulations
bogus. I'd prefer to see measurements of implementations.
- Although I believe that the assumption that sizeof(M) >=
sqrt(R) is reasonable, I'd like to see some data from "real
world" database installations to find out just how often
this is really the case.
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