Operating Systems
Operating System Structure
- Dijk68
- Ritc78
- Thom78
- Cher88
- Mull90
- Jone79
Extending the Operating System
- Bers95
- Engl95
- Cher94
- Lied95
Synchronization and Communications
- Hoare1974
- Lampson1980,
- Hoare1978,
- Massalin1989,
- Bershad1990,
- Coffman1971,
- Bershad1993,
- Laue78,
Virtual Memory
- Daley68
- Bensoussan72,
- Denning1980,
- Talluri95,
- Rashid88
- Young87
- Harty1992,
- Bolosky89
- Verghese96
File Systems
- Smith81,
- McKusick84,
- Rosenblum91,
- Kronenberg86,
- Feirtag,
- Ritchie74
- Kleiman86,
- Rosenthal90,
- Hagmann87
Transactions and Reliability
- Verhofstad78
- GrayVLDB81
- Stonebraker81,
- Liskov83
- Borg83
- Bartlett81,
- Stonebraker1985,
- Haskin88,
- Chen1996,
Protection and Security
- Schroeder72,
- Wulf74
- Saltzer75
- Denning79,
- Needham78,
- Steiner88
- Burrows90,
- Lampson91,
- Morris79
- Lampson73
- Thompson84
- Anderson94
- Li89
- Cart91
- And92
- Chap95,
- Sher72
- Gold74
- Lamp83
- Bour78
- Hoar81
- Laue81
Networks and Distributed Systems
- Leland1993
- Jacobson1988
- Saltzer1984
Distributed Systems
- Anderson1995,
- Bellovin1990,
- Birrell1984,
- Birrell1993
- Carter1991
- Cheriton1988
- Cheriton1989,
- Cheriton1993
- Douglis1991
- Duchamp1989
- Gifford1979
- Gray1989
- Hartman1993,
- Jefferson1987
- Kistler1992,
- Kohl1991
- Lampson1986,
- Lampson1991
- Liskov1991,
- Mills1991
- Oki1993
- Ousterhout1988
- Pike1990
- Sandberg1985,
- Schroeder1984,
- Vinoski1997
- Walker1983,