General OS/NDS/DB quals notes Ed Swierk 2002 Design tradeoffs (from CS 245) flexibility vs space utilization vs vs complexity vs performance Paging strategies for DBMS vs OS LRU is usually best for OSes May not be ideal for a DB, e.g. when doing a scan, the last element read is probably not going to be accessed again soon. Two functions of an OS (Tanenbaum 1.1) extended machine (top-down view): extends, abstracts, virtualizes the interface presented by the hardware to make it easier to program resource manager (bottom-up view): orders and controls allocation of the pieces of the system among the various programs competing for them OS ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny Replication for fault tolerance: useful for dealing with hardware faults (CPUs, buses, I/O devices), and for nondeterministic software faults (i.e. running the same program with the same inputs doesn't produce the same faulty result); not useful for general software faults (fault containment is the best you can do here).