An anecdote about ML type inference

            Andrew Koenig (
                   AT&T Bell Laboratories
               Murray Hill, New Jersey  07974


ML strongly supports functional programming; its programmers
tend to avoid operations with side effects.  Thus, for
example, instead of mutable arrays, ML programmers usually
use lists.  These lists behave much like those in Lisp, with
the added requirement that all elements have the same type.1
ML lists are not themselves mutable, although the individual
elements can be of a (uniform) mutable type.  In Lisp terms,
ML lists can optionally support RPLACA but not REPLACD.
Although it is possible to define a type in ML that would
support REPLACD as well, ML programmers usually don't do
this unless they need it.

The Lisp functions CAR and CDR have ML equivalents called hd
and tl and ML represents the Lisp CONS function by a right-
associative infix operator :: (pronounced ``cons'').

While learning ML, I thought it would be a nice exercise to
try to write a sort function.  Although Standard ML does not
define arrays, the implementation I was using (Standard ML
of New Jersey) did have them.  Nevertheless, I felt it would
be a more useful exercise to try to write a purely
functional sort program: one that operated on lists, rather
than arrays, and had no side effects at all.


How does such a function behave?  It must evidently take a
list as argument and return a sorted list as its result.
Moreover, since we don't know the type of the list elements,
we had better give the function a second argument, namely a
function to use for comparisons.

The desired function, then, should have a type2 of


 1. This restriction is typically not much of an impediment,
    because any set of specific types can be bundled into a
    single type called a datatype.  ML datatypes are
    somewhat like a semantically safe version of C unions.

 2. Experienced ML programmers will note here that sort is
    actually a curried function, so as to allow partial
    application.  For instance, it is nice to be able to
    treat sort (op < : int*int->bool) as a single function

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     ('a * 'a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list

where 'a represents any type, as usual, so that

     sort (op <) [3,1,4,1,5,9]

would yield


Such a function will be structured something like this:

     fun sort less x =
         let (* local function definitions go here *)
          in (* some expression *)

so as to make the comparison function less and the argument
x available to the local functions without further
formality.  To make these local functions easier to write,
we can therefore start by temporarily defining an
appropriate comparison function for integers:

     fun less(x: int, y) = x < y

or, more directly:

     val less: int * int -> bool = op <

In either case, we can now use less as an integer comparison
function while writing the inner functions that will make up
our sort; when we're ready to combine them, the name less
will then smoothly refer to the one that was passed as an
argument to sort rather than the one we just defined.

How does one sort a list?  The strategy that presented
itself was a recursive merge sort: split the list into two
pieces, sort the halves, then merge the sorted halves.  That
suggests that sort should have two local functions called
split and merge.  With that in mind, I decided to try
writing the inner functions.


    without having to supply a list to sort at the same

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I did not immediately see a good way to split a list, so I
began by writing merge.  The merge function takes two
arguments, each of which is a sorted list.  If either of the
arguments is empty, the result is the other.  Otherwise, we
compare the initial elements of the two lists; the result is
the smaller of the two followed by the merge of what's left.

That's easier to express as a program than in prose:

     fun merge(nil, x) = x
       | merge(x, nil) = x
       | merge(x as h::t, y as h'::t') =
          if less(h, h') then h::merge(t,y) else h'::merge(t',x)

A few observations may make it easier to follow this
program.  It is written as a series of alternatives, or
clausal definitions.  These alternatives are always tested
in sequence.  In other words, merge first checks if its
first argument is nil; if so, it returns the second.  Next
it checks if the second argument is nil; and returns the
first argument in that case.

The third clause is more interesting.  Note first that an
apostrophe in an identifier is just a letter, so that h' is
pronounced ``h prime.''  Next note the layered patterns that
appear in the formal parameters.  Saying x as h::t means
``the formal parameter is x, which incidentally must be of
the form h::t.''  Recall that :: is like CONS in lisp, so h
is the first element of the list h::t and t is the rest of
it.  The effect of x as h::t, then, is to allow x to refer
to the entire argument and simultaneously to allow h and t
to refer to the first element and the rest of the list,
respectively.  This is guaranteed to be possible because the
earlier clauses eliminated the case where either argument
was nil.

The merge function as shown above seems to work, and indeed
it did not take much experimentation to convince me that I
had it right.  Next I had to tackle split.

The type of split is straightforward: it takes a list as
input and returns two lists:

     'a list -> 'a list * 'a list

Now comes the hard part: how does one go about writing it?

The obvious way to split a list is to take the first half
and put it one place and the second half and put it

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somewhere else.  The problem with that is that we don't know
how big the list is without traversing it; it is then
necessary to traverse it again to do the actual splitting.

It would be nice to avoid this two-pass property.  After
thinking about it for a while, I realized that the problem
was like to dealing a deck of cards into two equal piles.
If I want to do that by cutting the deck, I must count the
cards first, but instead I can just deal cards alternately
onto the piles until I run out.

That insight makes the solution much easier.  Splitting an
empty list gives a pair of empty lists.  Splitting a list
with only one element gives a one-element list and an empty
list.  Splitting a list with more than one element lets us
take the first two elements and put them on the beginning of
the result lists, using split recursively to generate the
rest of the result.  Again it's easier to write than to

     fun split(nil) = (nil, nil)
       | split([x]) = ([x], nil)
       | split(x::y::tail) =
          let val (p, q) = split(tail)
           in (x::p, y::q)

Again, this function works as written and a little
experimentation convinced me that I had it right.3


 3. ML experts will note that the split function can more
    efficiently be written this way:

    fun split x =
         let fun loop(p, q, nil) = (p, q)
               | loop(p, q, [a]) = (a::p, q)
               | loop(p, q, a::b::rest) = loop(a::p, b::q, rest)
          in loop(nil, nil, x)

    This function is faster because it is a tail recursion.
    It also has the side effect of reversing the list on the
    way, thus yielding an unstable sort.  It is an
    interesting exercise to restore the stability of the
    sort by reversing the list again during merging.  This
    requires the added finesse that the comparison function
    must have its sense reversed during odd-numbered
    recursions, because it is then being used to sort a

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Putting it all together

With merge and split safely in place, it seemed a simple
matter to write sort itself.  We merely follow the earlier

     fun sort(nil) = nil
       | sort(x) =
          let val (p, q) = split(x)
           in merge(sort(p), sort(q))

and indeed, when I typed in this program, the compiler
accepted it.

I noticed something very curious, however: I expected the
type of sort to be

     int list -> int list

because the previous definition of less constrains this
particular sort to work only on lists of integers.  Much to
my surprise, the compiler reported a type of

     'a list -> int list

In other words, this sort function accepts a list of any
type at all and returns a list of integers.

That is impossible.  The output must be a permutation of the
input; how can it possibly have a different type?  The
reader will surely find my first impulse familiar: I
wondered if I had uncovered a bug in the compiler!

After thinking about it some more, I realized that there was
another way in which the function could ignore its argument:
perhaps it sometimes didn't return at all.  Indeed, when I
tried it, that is exactly what happened: sort(nil) did
return nil, but sorting any non-empty list would go into an
infinite recursion loop.

Once I saw this, it was not hard to figure out why.
Suppose, for example, that we are sorting a one-element
list.  We split it into a one-element list and an empty list


    reversed list.  The result can be a substantially faster
    sort, but is certainly harder to understand.

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and then try recursively to sort the one-element list.  That
recursion makes no progress, so the computation never

The fix is simple: add a clause to sort to handle a single-
element argument.  If the argument is more than one element,
split will certainly reduce it, so that should be

     fun sort(nil) = nil
       | sort([a]) = [a]
       | sort(x) =
          let val (p, q) = split(x)
           in merge (sort(p), sort(q))

The compiler reports the type of this function as

     int list -> int list

as expected, and again a few experiments show convincingly
that it does what it should.

It is now easy to write the general sort function as
promised earlier.  We need merely to make less an argument
to sort, account for that in the recursive calls, and make
the merge and split functions local:

     fun sort less nil = nil
       | sort less [a] = [a]
       | sort less x =
         let fun merge (nil, x) = x
               | merge (x, nil) = x
               | merge (x as h::t, y as h'::t') =
                     if less(h, h') then h::merge(t,y) else h'::merge(t',x)
             fun split(nil) = (nil, nil)
               | split([x]) = ([x], nil)
               | split(x::y::tail) =
                     let val (p, q) = split(tail)
                      in (x::p, y::q)
             val (p, q) = split(x)
          in merge (sort less p, sort less q)

This function does indeed work as expected, and its type is

     ('a * 'a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list

If we had written this entire function before testing it,
and made the same mistake by leaving out the line saying

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       | sort less [a] = [a]

then the compiler would have reported the type as

     ('a * 'a -> bool) -> 'b list -> 'a list

thus showing again that something was wrong.


An ML function computes a result from its arguments and
whatever other information is available to it at the time it
is called.  Thus it cannot create a result of a completely
new type; the result type must somehow depend on the types
that already exist.

That means that if the compiler determines the type of a
function to be, say,

     'a list -> 'b list

one should be instantly suspicious.  Where could 'b have
come from?  It's not the type of something that already
exists; such a type would be known explicitly and would not
have to be expressed in terms of the type metavariable 'b.
I can think of only three possibilities:

   - The function returns an empty list, so that the types
     of the elements that the list doesn't contain are
     irrelevant.  One example is the function

          fun f(x) = if null(x) then nil else nil

   - the function raises an exception, so that the type of
     the value it doesn't return is irrelevant, or

   - the function loops and never terminates at all.

Of course, the function could also do one or another of
these things depending on its argument.  For example:

     fun f(nil) = nil
       | f([a]) = raise x
       | f(y) = f(y)

returns nil if given a nil argument, raises exception x if
given an argument that is only a single element, and
otherwise runs forever.  The type of that function is indeed

     'a list -> 'b list

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In any event, if an ML compiler determines that a function
returns a type that is unrelated to its argument types, that
should be cause for suspicion.

We constantly hear that the earlier a defect is found and
corrected, the less expensive it is.  In software, that is a
powerful argument for strong typing: a compiler that does
aggressive type-checking can often detect errors long before
the program is actually run.

This particular case, however, is new to my experience:
never before had I seen a compiler prove non-termination of
a program I had written!  The reason in this case is clear:
the ML type-checker infers the most general type that can be
ascribed to a particular function.  To do that, it must
effectively do flow analysis.  Of course, it is impossible
to prove non-termination for all non-terminating programs;
this makes it doubly impressive that it can be done at all.


The definition of Standard ML is called, logically enough,
The Definition of Standard ML by Milner, Tofte, and Harper,
(MIT Press 1990, ISBN 0-262-13255-9).

Only a masochist would attempt to learn ML from the
Definition.  A much more approachable (but less rigorous)
source is ML for the Working Programmer by Laurence Paulson
(Cambridge University Press 1991, ISBN 0-521-39022-2).

There are many books that describe Lisp.  A reasonable place
to start is Lisp, by Winston and Horn (Addison-Wesley 1989,

Finally, all the examples shown here were run on the
Standard ML of New Jersey implementation, version 0.75.  The
current successor to that implementation is available free
of charge by anonymous FTP from; look in
directory dist/ml.

About the author

Andrew Koenig is a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff
at AT&T Bell Laboratories, where since 1986 he has worked
mostly on C++.  He joined Bell Labs in 1977 after completing
an MS degree in computer science at Columbia University.
Aside from C++, his work has included programming language
design and implementation, security, automatic software
distribution, online transaction processing, and computer
chess.  He is the author of more than seventy articles and
the book `C Traps and Pitfalls.'  He is the Project Editor

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of the ISO/ANSI C++ committee and a member of five airline
frequent flyer clubs.