andLinux setup


I discovered andLinux a while back on slashdot while I was at Stanford. I keep my eyes open for ways to do linux/x86 development under Windows since, although I used Linux for development at Stanford, I tend to keep Windows as my primary desktop environment for development, Microsoft Office, and gaming. I also found in TAing a class using the simulator that most Students were interested in being able to do programming assigments on their Windows laptops. In 2006 and 2007 we suggest the students use a VMware Player staring with the Browser Appliance image, but in 2008 I put these instructions together for people wanting to try something different.


  1. Download the installer from here
  2. Now run the installer andlinux-beta1rc6-minimal.exe
  3. At the "Welcome to the andLinux Setup Wizard" screen,
    click "Next"
  4. At the "License Agreement" screen,
    click "I accept this agreement", and then
    click "Next"
  5. At the "Select Destination Location" screen,
    click "Next"
  6. At the "andLinux Configuration / Memory Size" screen,
    select "1GB",
    click "Next"
  7. At the "andLinux Configuration / Sound" screen,
    click "Next"
  8. At the "andLinux Configuration / Startup Type + Panel" screen,
    click "Next"
  9. At the "andLinux Configuration / Windows File Access" screen,
    click "Next"
  10. At the "andLinux Configuration / File Sharing Using Samba" screen,
    fill out share information, and then click "Next"
  11. At the "Select Start Menu Folder" screen,
    click "Next"
  12. At the "Select Additional Task" screen,
    click "Next"
  13. At the "Ready to Install" screen,
    click "Install"
  14. At the "Completing the andLinux Setup Wizard" screen,
    click "Finish"
  15. Reboot!

Resize Disk

I found the default andLinux file system to be a little too small. To expand from 2GB to 4GB, I do the following:

  1. Open a command prompt,
    Windows-R cmd
  2. Stop the andLinux service from the command line by typing,
    net stop andLinux
  3. Change directories to the andLinux installation directory by typing,
    cd C:\Program Files\andLinux
  4. Extract the to an ImageResizeTool directory using by typing,
    7z x -o ImageResizeTool C:\Program Files\andLinux\
  5. Change directories to the ImageResizeTool directory by typing,
    cd ImageResizeTool
  6. Run the toporesize.bat program by typing,
    Then in the program, perform the following steps:
    1. "find file" and select "C:\Program Files\andLinux\Drives\base.drv"
    2. change size from "2048" to "4033"
    3. click "Resize file"
  7. Start the andLinux service from the command line by typing,
    net start andLinux

When I later tried this on Windows Vista, it seems like the included toporesize did not work. There seems to be some other people with these issues, perhaps due to an earlier cygwin1.dll, as discussed here. I had to download and use this later version of toporesize to work on Vista:

Update to latest

To get the latest bug fixes and security updates, at a root prompt type,

apt-get update; apt-get upgrade

Change from root to normal user

By default the andLinux launcher available as the Windows task bar status icon runs processes as the root user. Call me traditional, but I prefer to run as a regular user to avoid accidents. This required a little bit of doing, as discussed here.

  1. Get a root prompt with the console or terminal
  2. Use passwd to set a root password
  3. Add a local user with:
    adduser <username>
  4. Install sudo so you don't need to login as root:
    apt-get install sudo
  5. I then install emacs so I can have an editor I like:
    apt-get install emacs
  6. Run visudo to edit /etc/sudoers. Add a line at the end like:
    <username> ALL=(ALL) ALL
  7. Now we need to change startwindowsterminalsession to run as your <username>, not root. In /usr/bin/X11/startwindowsterminalsession change:
    sux - root ${termcommand} $parameters
    sux - <username> ${termcommand} $parameters

However, now that things are running as root, we need to have the linux and windows launcher code to use a port number greater than 1024. I decided to change from 81 to 8081, as discussed here here.

  1. Edit /usr/local/sbin/ to change from:
    LocalPort => 81
    LocalPort => 8081
  2. Now restart andLinux with a reboot from the root prompt
  3. Then we need to run windows regedit to add the following:

    Note that you will need to add the key for, Launcher, as well as the new string and dword values for IP and Port. Make sure the 8081 is in entered in decimal, not the default hexidecimal.

Installing software

I prefer to use the command line tools to install new packages. For example, to install emacs as your non-root user:

sudo apt-get install emacs

However, you can also used the GUI synaptic:

sudo synaptic

To find what package contains a specifical file or command you are looking for you can use apt-file. For example, to locate what package has the Perl XML DOM parser library file XML/

sudo apt-get install apt-file sudo apt-file update sudo apt-file find XML/

Fixing terminal to work with Alt/Meta for Emacs et al.

Select "Terminal | Edit | Preferences | Shortcuts | Menubar Access | Disable all menu access keys"

Windows mount

reference add to /etc/fstab //windows-host/MyShare /mnt/win smbfs auto,credentials=/etc/smbpasswd,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=cp437 0 0 note that windows-host is defined in /etc/hosts as an IP to access your local machine. Control Panel\Network and Sharing Center Unidentified Network (Public network) Access Local Only Conneciton TAP-Colinux click "Customize" change "Public" to "Private" "sudo reboot"

TCC simulator installation

To install the minimal utilities to build and run the simulator:

sudo apt-get -y install subversion g++ binutils-dev make

To generate ~/.ssh/id_pub.rsa to add to your file to avoid login prompts on svn+ssh access:


To checkout the TCC svn trunk to a directory called tcc:

svn co -N svn+ssh:// tcc

To checkout the main simulator files and do a test build:

cd tcc svn up bin test-less simulator cd simulator ./configure make test cd ..

JikesRVM build for the simulator

To setup a JikesRVM environment to run SPECjbb2000:

svn up jikesrvm-sim SPECjbb2000 sudo apt-get install libxml-dom-perl rsync bzip2 patch jikes

Note that we need to do a one time sync of some /TCC files that setup-rvm-sim expects to find:

sudo mkdir -p /TCC/Software/JikesRVM sudo chown -R bdc /TCC mkdir /TCC/Software/JikesRVM rsync -a -P --exclude JikesRVM/jikesrvm-2005-12-09-03-00-00 /TCC/Software

Default build of JikesRVM of the simulator

cd jikesrvm-sim ./

LaTeX setup for ACM and IEEE paper templates

The common templates we use require quite a few extra texlive packages:

sudo apt-get install texlive-latex-base texlive-latex-recommended texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-latex-extra texlive-extra-utils xpdf evince

Brian D. Carlstrom [email protected]